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Nuts About Life Logo

“Whitehat has helped us maintain consistently high ROAS while helping us scale our Facebook spend. They doubled my revenue in two months.”

Saeed, Co-owner

Nuts About Life is a major player in the organic food space in Australia and boasts an enviable reputation amongst its competitors. With a seamlessly endless range of high-quality food products made for those seeking a healthy lifestyle, Nuts About Life has become a hub for food and exercise regimes, great cooking recipes and wellness tips.

Key Services Used

Nuts About Life take advantage of our full service offering, allowing them to maximise their business growth, profitability and reach.


570% increase in revenue
generated through a revamped
Social Media Marketing


540% increase in conversions.
Not only were consumers clicking,
they were purchasing.

13x ROAS

13 X Return on Ad spend was achieved
after an in depth Social Media strategy was implemented.

The Challenge

The health food market is fast becoming a highly saturated one. With that comes a huge problem; how do you make your presence felt in a saturated market dominated by a handful of big-name industry leaders and stay at the top of your competitive market? It’s one thing to get to the top; staying there is a whole other ball game.

“The team is always at the forefront with enthusiastic ideas, they’re really clever with what they put forward”.

Saeed, Co-owner

Nuts about life were already achieving fantastic results with us and steadily establishing itself as Australia’s fastest-growing seller of high-quality nuts, dry fruits and spices. However, Nuts About Life came to us with a new challenge, to grow the business further by doubling revenue in 2020/2021, a period that was live with uncertainty as COVID began to run rampant.

Key Challenges Solved

Rather than look at COVID-19 as the menace it was and continues to be, we decided that it may be advantageous for us. With more people working from home and avoiding shopping centres and supermarkets, their only option was to turn to online orders for their needs. We had exhausted all of our creative options using just product images in different video, carousel & still image formats, so we decided to strip things back.

  1. Repetitive creatives.
  2. Minimal brand awareness.
  3. Undervaluing USP’s
  4. Set and forget mentality. 

Our Solution

When things are performing well, it’s extremely easy to become complacent. However, to grow, we needed to consistently refresh content to ensure that we could reach potential new customers and keep return customers excited about the brand all while setting Nut’s About Life apart from the competition.This involved understanding Nuts About Life customers and competitors on deeper level.

  1. Customer research
  2. Competitor research
  3. Identtify value propistions
  4. Creative brief

1. Customer Research

While it seems relatively straightforward, we needed to get in the head of an ideal Nuts About Life customer – or a potential one. Creating personas helped us understand a typical Nuts About Life customers’ needs, experiences and behaviours. What makes these customers interested in buying bulk health food, especially in the online space? We monitored existing customer comments and feedback and noticed that the typical Nuts About life customer had one primary need above all else. This need was simple, high-quality product at great prices. To facilitate this, we decided to lean into campaigns and creatives that offered and showcased weekly specials.

2. Competitor Research

To coincide with our customer analysis, we conducted a comprehensive competitor analysis to see what other players in the market were communicating to their customers. We could then understand what we were doing well, what we were not, and what we may have had missed. While you should always offer different value to your customers, it’s essential to gauge what the competition is doing to ensure you always stay one step ahead and consistently improve.

3. Identify Value Propositions

Based on our research and goals, we didn’t want to create just another set of vanilla product ad’s. We had to dive deep into the brand, value propositions and decide what extra value we could give in our campaigns to entice someone to purchase and strengthen brand awareness. We found an archive of great recipes on the website that was totally underutilised! Instead of only featuring product images in the ads, we decided to build collection ad’s – with a recipe included per ad. By showing the product on offer and a recipe that the product could be used to make, we strengthened the intent to click and buy.

4. Creative Brief

After identifying our ideal customer, what the competition was doing, and our unique value propositions, we then took the time to strategise the creatives to tie everything together. We needed creatives that grabbed attention enough for someone to stop scrolling, then sold them with the great value (specials) on offer or the product + recipe value add in the collections ads.

Nuts About Life Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads

Figure 1-2 : Pictured are some examples of creative ad sets used.

Business Impact

After building and implementing our highly strategised Facebook campaign, with its new structure emphasising scaling and revenue, we saw just that; an extremely significant jump in sales and revenue for the business. Not only did we see a tremendous increase in clicks but a higher number of conversions. The number of conversions across both Facebook and Instagram increased by a massive 529%.These results meant we far exceeded expectations set by Nut’s About Life, and with continued attention, have managed to maintain the momentum put in place.

“Whitehat is a fantastic team, they’ll really help you get to your goals and they’re really flexible. Rather than working for you, they work with you.”

Saeed, Co-owner

Additional Benefits

Our primary focus was to generate more revenue however along with our value add propositions shining through in our campaigns, we received an outstanding amount of engagement from users, which translated into free marketing for us. Resonating with customers, led to not only a significant increase in revenue and sales, but a better engagement with the community.

  • 110% increase in post reactions,
  • 169% increase in post comments,
  • 77% increase in post saves,
  • 151% increase in post shares

“Whitehat are agile, they deliver on all their promises and are really fast acting with whatever issues I have. They’ve really proven themselves”

Metrics Icon


570% increase in revenue
generated through a revamped
Social Media Marketing

Cloud Tech Icon


540% increase in conversions.
Not only were consumers clicking,
they were purchasing.

Return on Ad icon


13 X Return on Ad spend was achieved
after an in depth Social Media strategy was implemented

Rocket taking off

Proven strategies for Revenue growth

Join the long list of businesses achieving incomparable revenue growth with Social Media Marketing

Our team of Social Media Marketing experts obsess over details and results. Each strategy is tailored to achieve the greatest results and growth that not only get eyes on your business but lead to sales and profit. The Social Media Marketing team at Whitehat Agency stay up to date with world class practices, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition and the curve.


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  • 100% FREE digital strategy consultation, with no commitments.
  • Pricing & budget information.
  • How we can will help your business.
  • Quick website review.

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